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- The miR-30-5p/TIA-1 axis directs cellular senescence by regulating mitochondrial dynamics. Cell Death & Disease 2024, in press

- The pivotal role of macrophages in the pathogenesis of pancreatic diseases, International Journal of Molecular Science 2024, 25: 5765

Ryu S and Lee EK*

- Intracellular zinc signaling via Krüppel-like transcription factor 6 promotes HuD expression in pancreatic β cells. Genes and Disease 2024, 11:101144

Cha S#, Kim C#, Jung M, Ryu S, Han S, Kim W, and Lee EK* (# equal contribution)



-The microRNA-195-5p/hnRNP A1 axis contributes to the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating the migration of cancer cells. BBRC 2023, 686,149183

Jung M, Ji E, Kang H, Kim C, Ryu S, Han S, Cha S, and Lee EK*

-Long non-coding RNA GAS5 promotes BAX expression by competing with microRNA-128-3p in response to 5-fluorouracil. Biomedicines 2022, 11:58

Lee H#, Kang H#, Kim C, Ku JR, Nam SW, and Lee EK* (# equal contribution)


-RNA binding protein HuD mediates the crosstalk between β cells and islet endothelial cells by the regulation of Endostatin and Serpin E1 expression. Cell Death Disease 2022, 13:1019

Jung M, Ryu S, Kim C, Cha S, Kang H, Ji E, Hong Y, Lee Y, Han S, Jeong SM, Kim W, and Lee EK*

-Loss of RNA binding protein HuD facilitates the production of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. Cell Death Disease 2022, 13:329

Ryu S, Jung M, Kim C, Kang H, Han S, Cha S, Jeong SM, and Lee EK*


-RNA–Binding Protein HuD as a Versatile Factor in Neuronal and Non–Neuronal Systems, Biology 2021, 10:361

Jung M and Lee EK*

-Depletion of HNRNPA1 induces peroxisomal autophagy by regulating PEX1 expression. BBRC 2021, 545:69-74

Park NY, Jo DS, Park SJ, Lee HJ, Bae JE, Hong YL, Kim JB, Kim YH, Park HJ, Choi JY, Lee HJ, Ryoo ZY, Lee HS, Kim JC, Lee EK*, Cho DH*


-RNA binding protein HuD contributes to β-cell dysfunction by impairing mitochondria dynamics. Cell Death and Differentiation 2020, 27:1633-1643

Hong Y, Tak H, Kim C, Kang H, Ji E, Ahn S, Jung M, Kim HL, Lee JH, Kim W, Lee EK*

-RNA binding protein HuD and microRNA-203a cooperatively regulate insulinoma-associated 1 mRNA. BBRC 2020, 521:971-976

Kim CT, Ahn SJ, Lee EK*


-A miR-194/PTBP1/CCND3 axis regulates tumor growth in human hepatocellular carcinoma. J. of Pathol. 2019, 249:395-408

Kang H, Heo S, Shin JJ, Ji E, Tak H, Ahn S, Lee KJ, Lee EK*, Kim W*

-Loss of RNA binding protein, human antigen R enhances mitochondrial elongation by regulating Drp1 expression in SH-SY5Y
cells. BBRC 2019, 516:713-718

Bae JE, Park SJ, Hong YL, Jo DS, Lee HJ, Park NY, Kim JB, Park HJ, Bunch HY, Chang JH, Lee EK*, Cho DH*

-Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 promotes the expression of autophagy related protein 6 in human colorectal cancer. BBRC 2019, 513:255-260 

ji E, Lee H, Ahn S, Jung M, Lee SH, Lee JW, Lee EK*

-The MicroRNA-551a/MEF2C Axis Regulates the Survival and Sphere Formation of Cancer Cells in Response to 5-Fluorouracil. Mol. Cells 2019, 42:175-182

Kang H, Kim C, Ji E, Ahn S, Jung M, Hong Y, Kim W, Lee EK*

-RNA Binding Protein HuR Promotes Autophagosome Formation by Regulating Expression of Autophagy-Related Proteins 5, 12, and 16 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells.Mol. Cell Biol. 2019, 39:e00508-18

Ji E, Kim C, Kang H, Ahn S, Jung M, Hong Y, Tak H, Lee S, Kim W, Lee EK*

-Role of long non-coding RNAs in metabolic control. BBA_GRM 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2018.12.006. [Epub ahead of print]

Ji E, Kim C, Kim W, Lee EK*


-Aberrant expression of SETD1A promotes survival and migration of estrogen receptor α-positive breast cancer cells. Int. J. Cancer 2018, 143:2871-2883

Jin ML, Kim YW, Jin HL, Kang H, Lee EK, Stallcup MR, Jeong KW

-Reduced RNA-binding protein HuD in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors lowers p27Kip1 levels linked to poor prognosis. J of Pathol. 2018, 246:234-243

Kim C, Jeong DE, Heo S, Ji E, Rho JG, Jung M, Ahn S, Kim YJ, Kim YS, Nam SW, Kulkarni RN, Lee KB*, Lee EK*, Kim W*

-Self-Assembled Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles: Implications as a Nanomedicine for Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. J Con. Release 2018, 279:89-98

Rho JG, Han HS, Han JH, Lee H, Nguyen VQ, Lee WH, Kwon S, Heo S, Yoon J, Shin H, Lee E, Kang H, Yang S, Lee EK, Park JH, Kim W

-Potential use of TIA-1, MFF, microRNA-200a-3p, and microRNA-27 as a novel marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. BBRC 2018, 497:1117

Tak HKang HJi EHong YKim WLee EK* 

-MicroRNA-195 Desensitizes HCT116 Human Colon Cancer Cells to 5-Fluorouracil. Cancer Letters 2018, 412:264-271

Kim CT, Hong YL, Lee H, Kang H, Lee EK*



-RNA Regulators in Oxidative Stress, Cellular Senescence, and Age-Related Disease. OMCL, 2017. 2062384

Kim CT, Kang DH, Lee EK*, Lee JS* 

-The miR-24-3p/p130Cas: a novel axis regulating the migration and invasion of cancer cells. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 44847

Kang H, Rho JG, Kim C, Tak H, Lee H, Ji E, Ahn S, Shin AR, Cho HI, Huh YH, Song WK, Kim W, and Lee EK

-microRNA-200a-3p enhances mitochondrial elongation by targeting mitochondrial fission factor. BMB Reports 2017, 50: 214-219

Lee H, Tak H, Park SJ, Jo YK, Cho DH, and Lee EK 

-microRNA-200a-3p increases 5-flurouracil resistance by regulating dual specificity phosphatase 6 expression. Exp Mol. Med. 2017,  49:e327 

Lee H, Kim C, Kang H, Tak H, Ahn S, Yoon S, Kuh HJ, Kim W, and Lee EK

-Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1-mediated down-regulation of ATG10 facilitates metastasis of colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 385:21-27
Jo YK, Roh SA, Lee H, Park NY, Choi ES, Oh JH, Park SJ, Shin JH, Suh YA, Lee EK, Cho DH, Kim JC.

-T-cell-restricted intracellular antigen 1 facilitates mitochondrial fragmentation by enhancing the expression of mitochondrial fission factor, Cell Death and Differentiation,24(1):49-58

Tak H, Eun JW, Kim J, Park SJ, Kim C, Ji E, Lee H, Kang H, Cho DH, Lee KB, Kim W, Nam SW, Lee EK


- RNA-binding protein HuD reduces triglyceride production in pancreatic β cells by enhancing the expression of insulin-induced gene 1.iochim Biophys Acta_Gene Regulatory Mechanism 1859(4): 675-685

Kim C, Lee H, Kang H, Shin JJ, Tak H, Kim W, Gorospe M, Lee EK 


-Cannabinoids Regulate Bcl-2 and Cyclin D2 Expression in Pancreatic β Cells. PLoS One 11(3):e0150981

Kim J, Lee KJ, Kim JS, Rho JG, Shin JJ, Song WK, Lee EK, Egan JM, Kim W 


-Downregulation of microRNA-362-3p andmicroRNA-329 promotes tumor progression in human breast cancer, Cell Death and Differentiation 23(3):484-495

Kang HI, Kim C, Lee H, Rho JG, Seo JW, Nam JW, Song WK, Nam SW, Kim W* and Lee EK* 





-Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 post-transcriptionally regulates Drp1 expression in neuroblastoma cells. Biochim Biophys Acta_Gene Regulatory Mechanism 1849(12):1423-1431

Park SJ*, Lee H*, Jo DS, Jo YK, Shin JH, Kim HB, Seo HM, Rubinsztein DC, Koh JY, Lee EK*, Cho DH*.


-NKX6.3 controls gastric differentiation and tumorigenesis. Oncotarget 6(29):2845-39

Yoon JH, Choi WS, Kim O, Choi SS, Lee EK, Nam SW, Lee JY and Park WS


-Damage-associated molecular patterns and their pathologicalrelevance in diabetes mellitus. Ageing Research Reviews 24:66-76

Shin JJ*, Lee EK*, Park TJ and Kim W 





-miR-27 regulates mitochondrial networks by directly targeting the mitochondrial fission factor. Exp Mol Med. 46:e123

Tak H, Kim J, Jayabalan AK, Lee H, Kang H, Cho DH, Ohn T, Nam SW, Kim W, Lee EK 


-A long non-coding RNA snaR contributes to 5-fluorouracil resistance in human colon cancer cells. Mol. Cells. 37(7): 540-546

Lee H, Kim C, Ku JL, Kim W, Yoon SK, Kuh HJ, Lee JH, Nam SW, Lee EK.


-HuD regulates coding and noncoding RNA to induce APP→Aβ processing. Cell Reports 7(5): 1401-1409 

Kang MJ, Abdelmohsen K, Hutchison ER, Mitchell SJ, Grammatikakis I, Guo R, Noh JH, Martindale JL, Yang X, Lee EK, Faghihi MA, Wahlestedt C, Troncoso JC, Pletnikova O, Perrone-Bizzozero N, Resnick SM, de Cabo R, Mattson MP, Gorospe M.

-The 31-kDa caspase-generated cleavage product of p130Cas antagonizes the action of MyoD during myogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 444(4): 509-513

Jeong da E, Lee EK*, Song WK, Kim W.


-Down-regulation of mortalin exacerbates Aβ-mediated mitochondrial fragmentation and dysfunction. J Biol Chem. 289(4): 2195-2204

Park SJ, Shin JH, Jeong JI, Song JH, Jo YK, Kim ES, Lee EH, Hwang JJ, Lee EK, Chung SJ, Koh JY, Jo DG, Cho DH.

-The RNA-binding Protein HuD Regulates Autophagosome Formation in Pancreatic beta Cells by Promoting Autophagy-related Gene 5 Expression. J Biol Chem. 289(1): 112-121

Kim C, Kim W, Lee H, Ji E, Choe YJ, Martindale JL, Akamatsu W, Okano H, Kim HS, Nam SW, Gorospe M, Lee EK.






-TNFalpha-induced miR-130 resulted in adipocyte dysfunction during obesity-related inflammation. FEBS Letter 587(23): 3853-3858

Kim C, Lee H, Cho YM, Kwon OJ, Kim W and Lee EK.


-Downregulation of ubiquitin level via knockdown of polyubiquitin gene Ubb as potential cancer therapeutic intervention. Scientific Reports 3:2623;1-9

Oh CS, Park SY, Lee EK and Yoo YJ.


-Post-transcriptional controls by ribonucleoprotein complexes in the acquisition of drug resistance. Int J Mol Sci. 14(8):17204-17220

Kang HI, Kim C, Lee H, Kim W and Lee EK. 


-p130Cas Controls the Susceptibility of Cancer Cells to TGFβ-Induced Growth Inhibition.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 438(1):116-121

Kang YS, Jeong DE, Lee EK, Song WK and Kim W. 





-Post-translational modifications of RNA-binding proteins and their roles in RNA granulesroles. Current protein & peptide science 2012, 13(4):331-6  

Lee EK.


-Post-transcriptional regulation in metabolic disease. RNA Biology 2012, 9(6):772-80

 Kim W and Lee EK.


-Cannabinoids induce pancreatic β-cell death by directly inhibiting insulin receptor activation. Science signaling, 2012 ,5(216):ra23

Kim W, Lao Q, Shin YK, Carlson OD, Lee EK, Gorospe M, Kulkarni RN, Egan JM. 


-RNA-binding protein HuD controls insulin translation. Mol Cell 2012, 45(6):826-835

Lee EK, Kim W, Tominaga K, Martindale JL, Yang X, Subaran SS, Carlson OD, Mercken EM, Kulkarni RN, Akamatsu W, Okano H, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, de Cabo R,  Egan JM, and Gorospe M. 





-Competitive regulation of Nucleolin expression by HuR and miR-494. Mol Cell Biol. 2011, 31(20):4219-4231

 Tominaga K, Srikantan S, Lee EK, Subaran SS, Martindale JL, Abdelmohsen K, Gorospe M.


-Translational Control of TOP2A Influences Doxorubicin Efficacy. Mol Cell Biol. 2011, 31(18):3790-801

Srikantan S, Abdelmohsen K, Lee EK, Tominaga K, Subaran SS, Kuwano Y, Kulshrestha R, Panchakshari R, Kim HH, Yang X, Martindale JL, Marasa BS, Kim MM, Wersto RP, Indig FE, Chowdhury D, Gorospe M. 

-Enhanced translation by Nucleolin via G-rich elements in coding and non-coding regions of target mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011, 39(19):8513-8530

Abdelmohsen K, Tominaga K, Lee EK, Srikantan S, Kang MJ, Kim MM, Selimyan R, Martindale JL, Yang X, Carrier F, Zhan M, Becker KG, Gorospe M. 


-Global dissociation of HuR-mRNA complexes promotes cell survival after ionizing radiation.  EMBO J. 2011, 16;30(6):1040-53

Masuda K, Abdelmohsen K, Kim MM, Srikantan S, Lee EK, Tominaga K, Martindale JL, Yang X, Lehrmann E, Zhang Y, Becker KG, Kim HH, Wang JY, and Gorospe M. 


-Cannabinoids inhibit insulin receptor signaling in pancreatic β-cells. Diabetes 2011, 60(4):1198-209

Kim W, Doyle M, Lao Q, Liu Z, Shin YK, Carlson O, Kim HS, Thomas S, Napora J, Lee EK, Moaddel R, Maudsley S, Martin B, Kulkarni R, and Egan JM. 


-miR-130 suppresses adipogenesis by inhibiting PPAR expression. Mol Cell Biol. 2011, 31(4):626-38

Lee EK, Lee MJ, Abdelmohsen K, Kim HH, Kim MM, Srikantan S, Marasa BS, Selimyan R, Kim W, Egan JM, Smith SR, Fried SK and Gorospe M.


-Coding region: the neglected post-transcriptional code. RNA Biology 2011, 8(1): 44-48

Lee EK and Gorospe M 

 Copyrightⓒ 2016 RNA Metabolism & Disease Laboratory @ The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine. All copyrights reserved.

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